One jar of Daisy Doodles in Lemon is up for grabs! All you have to do is leave a comment here with some interesting or little-known fact! It can be about ANYTHING! Just tell us something we don't already know! ;) Why, you ask? Who doesn't love fun (useless??) information? It's just fun!
Be sure and share this with your friends! Share this on your blog or with some friends (e-mail, chats, etc.) and you can leave TWO comments! Double the chances of winning these stunning flowers! Good luck! You have until Wednesday afternoon, when I'll draw the winner!
hmmmm....am I really first? Well, go get out your aluminum foil...go ahead, I'll wait.....now look on the ends where you can push in the tabs to lock the roll in place. Now you'll never have to chase your foil across the floor again. Or was I the only person that never saw those lock tabs???
You can make any boxed cake mix taste like a home made cake simply by adding one box of the same flavour instant pudding mix (not the sugar free kind) to the batter when making the cake. DO NOT add any extra liquids...just add the pudding mix!! It works...believe me!!!
Here is my little known fact -- blending Prismapencils with a qtip and some baby oil works like a charm! hugs, bonnierose in Fargo
I recently found this out fr some online stampers that are far more experienced than me.. it was news to me!!!
Just one thing I learned from Charlie Brown - Triskadekaphobia is the fear of the number 13. My childhood was not completely wasted :-)
I'm not sure this is a new tip, but it's all I've got right now. ;)
Mix lemon juice with water to soothe a sunburn. You can dip a cotton ball into the mixture & gently rub over the burned area. It really works!
Here's a fact I didn't know until I moved here. Texas is the only state in the union whose flag can be flown at the same height as the American Flag. The reason is because Texas was a country before it became a state.
Did you know that red rhododendrons are poisonous? I used to spout this one off all the time when I was a kid. But a stamping related tip for punches that aren't punching cleanly, stick them in the freezer for a bit and try again! I did a couple of weeks ago and it worked like a charm!
Here's my fun fact: Sting and Sheryl Crow are both former teachers. ;)
Just posted about this giveaway on my blog:
My second fun fact: Michelangelo, Ben Franklin, Mozart, and Bill Gates are all left-handed (and so am I).
In college, I was asked to write a paper about someone whose work everyone was familiar with but no one had ever heard of. I chose Gutzon Borglum. He was the artist who designed an oversaw the completion of Mt Rushmore. Bet you didn't know that.
Thanks for the opportunity to win.
oooo, Mandy, those look awesome! Okay, I cheated and googled Random facts.My brain is tired this morning. Of course there are websites out there with this info. Here's one that jumped out at me, A crocodile cannot stick out its toungue. How's that for random!
A shrimp can swim backwards.
Hi Mandy!
I just had to enter this one! Here is what I found in our local "Coffee News" which is a free paper given away at local restaurants. I'd like to think that this is a fact!
"In an argument, a woman always has the last word. Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument!"
The international telephone dialing code for Antarctica is 672
Here is another from "Coffee News."
"A bunch of bananas is called a hand. There are usually 10 to 20 bananas on each hand. Each banana in the hand is called a finger."
I posted your giveaway on my blog Here:
I am enjoying reading everyone's postings!
The holiday of Cinco De Mayo, The 5th Of May, commemorated the victory of the Mexican militia over the French army at The Battle of Puebla in 1862. Did you know that it is not Mexico's Independence Day. That is actually Septemeber 16th. Happy Cinco De Mayo!
Did you know that studies show that if a cat falls off the seventh floor of a building it has about thirty percent less chance of surviving than a cat that falls off the twentieth floor. It supposedly takes about eight floors for the cat to realize what's happening, relax and correct itself.
PS Your cards are always so cute!
Did you know that giraffes don't have vocal cords? We are teaching Brady animal sounds and no matter how many times I tell him this, he INSISTS that giraffes say "roar." Sigh...
And I blogged! :)
Origanizing ribbons: Unwind them from the spool and then re-wind them without it. So your roll of ribbon is a lot smaller. Store them in a container. Separate the colors if you prefer. Saves a lot of space.
I've added your giveaway on my sidebar.
you more then likely share your birthday with more then 9 million other people in the world. And you thought your birthday was all about you :)
you more then likely share your birthday with more then 9 million other people in the world. And you thought your birthday was all about you :)
An elephant is the only animal with four knees that CAN'T jump. Of course why anybody would want an elephant to jump is beyond me! LOL
Thanks for the opportunity to win!
here's mine! to clean your microwave, put some lemon juice in a bowl and microwave for about 30 seconds, then leave it for another 30-50 seconds. When you open it, all the little crusties that you usually have to scrub at will wipe right off!
Thanks Mandy! I looked this one up too because I couldn't come up with anything off the top of my head. In honor of my horrid math class I'm taking, I give you a math tidbit: Googolplex is 10 to the power of googol zeros(ex. 10 to the power of 10 to the power of 100. It is also where Google got the idea for its name.
What gorgeous flowers, I just love them!! So bright and fun!! I need to go and check out the rest of what you guys got in....you are killin' me, girl!!! Heehee, well, let's see, here is a little known fact that ALL women should know about: Every time you lick a stamp, you're consuming 1/10 of a calorie....LOL!
I always love some of the outdated laws, for instance di you know it is against the law to whale hunt in Oklahoma...........
My random fact: President Kennedy was the fastest random speaker in the world with upwards of 350 words per minute. As a sign language interpreter, I have to say I'm glad I didn't have to interpret for him. I don't think my hands and brain can move that fast! Thanks for the chance to win. Enjoying everyones posts! :)
If you have some cookies that are a bit too crunchy for your taste, place a piece of bread in a tupperware type container and your cookies will be soft before you know it!
Did you guys know that Chubby Checker did not only sing The Peppermint Twist but also Limbo???! Random fact I found out at work today! Mary<><
Mandy great giveaway! Those primas are gorgeous! ok this isn't anything too cool.. but it is a fact. Today is my big brothers birthday! hooray happy birthday Dustin! :) going to post on my blog now!
ok here is my second comment because I just posted on my blog! :)
The most common name in the world is Mohammed
Don't remember where I read this, but it sure works AND it's crafting related:
Take a business card size magnet and place it in the center of a blank CD case. Now you can store your nesties without them falling around!
My dd1 is happy we have lots of yellow "flowers" in our back yard.
Hi Pretty Bright flowers soo nice
My useless information
Why are Pink flamingos Pink? Because the eat shrimp
Why doesn't Mc Donalds have onion rings ... from what I was told there aren't enough Onions in the world to supply them .. humm
Thanks Nikki C
I'll post later in my blog for your candy
Very pretty flowers!
Did you know if you cut a lemon in half and put sugar on it you can use it to exfoliate the bottom of your feet??!! Just read that this past week in a booklet from the local grocery store, I want to try it sometime!
Hmm.. kinda drawing a blank.. Did you know that if your paper punch is sticking, you can put it in the freezer for 20 minutes and it is suppose to work better... heard it... never tried it... :)
Just went to World of Coke in Atlanta so it is on the brain...Before it goes to market, each Coca-Cola product undergoes nearly 450 different tests to ensure that ingredient and packaging quality meets the Company's standards!!!
cool papers..here is my fact:
our climate is in fact continually changing, and the cause is not and could not be CO2. CO2 accounts for less than 3% of all greenhouse gases, and only 6% of atmospheric CO2 is produced by human activity.
That means that less than 2/1,000 of all CO2 is produced by human activity. So even if we wiped out every car, power plant, jet liner, and human being from the face of the earth, there would be no noticeable effect on global CO2 levels.
The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.
Useless information...Wrigley just funded a study that found that students who chewed gum during math class, on math tests, and while doing math homework raised their math scores. The study looked at about 50 girls and 50 boys in eighth grade. Believable? Maybe. But as a teacher, I'm not so thrilled about all 28 of my fourth-graders chewing gum in class...that's a lot of smacking.
Did you know that there is a crazy blog for the big Greys Anatomy wedding this week?http://weddings.theknot.com/pwp/pwp2/view/MemberPage.aspx?coupleId=5204748318589928
Seriously there is a gift registry and everything. I think it is real wierd.
Do people not know that these are not real people? Or are they playing along for fun?
Thanks for the op to win!
Ok this one is very random but heard it on TV today- Did you know baby penguins are born with no sex. The only devlope to be Male or female when fully grown! They also asorb the egg yoke to help to with nuretriation untile they are a few days old and able to eat on their own.
cute cute primas.
mmm, what can I write.
oh i want some stamps today from Unity
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