OK, if you know me well, you totally know I would not allow my children on an ATV or anything of the like. But Cameron has this little SpiderMan Power Wheels-type thing, and we had some fun with Katy with it. By the way, Katy went for her four month doctor visit, and she weighs 13 pounds, 12 ounces, and she is 25 inches long!
Oh, my goodness! She's really growing up fast! Is it really possible that she's 4 months old ALREADY??
What a cutie!
Hi Mandy! I popped on over via my blog and I read your post about Katy (which I believe is a wonderful name) :) and read her stats! Oh my Gosh! I am always flabbergasted reading how big other babies are. I think back to when the twins were 1 year old and they only weighed 17 lbs! She's a cutie!
she is so cute
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