I'm just in the mood to give something away... Good for you, no? ;)
We have gotten in so many wonderful new products, and one that I am enjoying very much is Shimmerz! Thanks to Limelight DT member Ryann Salamon for pointing these out to me! You can see the shimmer from my Noel card I posted yesterday even better in this picture...Look along the red striping. That says a lot, you know, if the shimmer can be picked up without special tools, lighting, etc.! I don't have any special photo gadgetry! But I digress... You are here for the goods!
So...who wants their choice of one jar of Shimmerz Paint?!?!? Leave a comment here on this post telling me one thing that makes you SMILE, and I'll choose a random winner on Sunday to receive their choice of Shimmerz! :) Members of our Papercraft Planet Limelight Papercrafts Group may leave TWO comments, meaning TWO chances to win!!
So, what makes me smile?

And this....

Ah Mandy, just ONE thing that makes me smile? How could you do that to me? Well, here are a couple things. Baby E's face lights up anytime she sees her daddy or me. How can you not forget all your worries in the world and give her the biggest smile back? Her little dimple kills me every time.
Paper also makes me smile. Lots and lots of paper!
When my girls are having fun and get along, playing and smiling...that make me smile the most...
Playing with my cats or watching them paly with each other makes me smile. I just got a new kitty and she is just adorable.
free craft supplies makes me smile! LOL
and since i'm a member of the Paper Craft Planet Limelight group, 2 entries makes me smile!
thanks for the chance to win x2
Well my 5 boys do but Mommy needs a break so what is making me smile right now?? VEGAS Baby! First thing in the morning me & the hubby are on our way. SO wish me luck..........& maybe just maybe I will be lucky here tooo!!
ok, of course my kids make me smile. Kinda a given. But they can also be irritating so i'll pick just 1 thing for now. I love it when the baby smiles. Now i know i know it's just gas since he's not even 2 months old. But i love it all the same and it puts a huge grin on my face just thinking about it!
what my makes me smile is my cat Petie. His antics are hilarious.
My little girls make me smile everyday!
Today I got a special surprise from a dear friend in the mail, so that was EXTRA smiles!
thanks for the chance to win
One thing that makes me smile?? Come on now, I have 2 teenage daughters!!lol Actually, right now it would be the 18 month old nephew who is sitting on my lap blowing raspberries on my arm and laughing!!!
Thanks for asking!
looking back at the kiddos baby pictures really makes me smile.. :)
Thanks for the chance...Kathy Hering
thinking of my baby girl arriving... due December 1st... makes me smile with delight!
Hi Mandy! My wonderful friends at SCS make me smile! (And often literally laugh out loud!)
Thanks so much for the chance!
Shannah :)
My 7 mo. old baby boy looking for me first thing in the morning makes me smile....and just melts my heart.
Another thing that makes me smile is seeing my three children playing together and laughing.
Thanks for the chance!
My dog sits and stares at me in the morning and gets so excited when she sees my eyes open and I begin to move...tickles me to death!
Being a Grandma is even better than you could ever imagine! They are so, so precious!
Sweet giveaway you are sharing with your readers. What makes me smile...a chance at some Shimmerz Paint. LOL :) Thanks for a chance.
Winning this will definitely make me smile! :) Other than that, watching old family videos make me smile :) Thanks!
bunnybx at gmail . com
My family makes me smile. I enjoy every moment I get to spend with them :)
I was actually gifted with three jars of this for my birthday last week and had planned on shopping around to see where to get more. fun stuff...
smiles eh?
okay got coffee on the brain. that is my happy drink and what makes me smile ear to ear is when i hear the bath door open in the morning when I'm in the shower and see a steaming cup of fresh Joe on the counter waiting for me to get out. :) {Dh's a keeper i know}
My children make me smile! Seeing my baby on the ultrasound machine really makes me smile!
Thank you for entering me!
my dog Polo makes me smile and makes me sooo happy. he's the best therapist ever!
Oh, gosh! Lots of things make me smile but at the top of the list would be hearing my boys laugh and seeing my husband smile. I love them both!
Of course Brady makes me smile. Isn't that obvious?? Should I pick something less obvious? Pickles make me smile too, sometimes. You know, when they don't make me nauseous. ;)
And since I'm a member of the group, one more comment. You (MANDY) make me smile because you are so generous!
My FAVORITE thing that makes me smile are hugs from my hubs! ;o) I've linked you at The Paper Freak.
Seeing my niece and her funny antics makes me smile all day long! Love kids!
I'll say that winning this contest would definitely make me smile ear to ear as i love your blog! Does that give me an extra entry?? :) Just kidding!
What makes me smile? Well knowing that christmas is nearing & the holidays are coming!
Looking at seller's and their beautiful work makes me smile..It's like looking at piece of art.. Great giveaway!
A few stolen moments to do something I enjoy makes me smile!
A few stolen moments to do something I enjoy makes me smile!
what makes me smile is my four year old running into my scrap room where i hang out or wherever i happen and saying mommy give me hug. he is a very affectionate child.
I get to leave two comments, yeah! So the first thing that makes me smile is when my daughter and her friend play together and laugh together. They are just 13 and 16 months old and it is adorable to watch them interact!
Another thing that makes me smile is when I see my oldest son who's 10, help his little brother (who's 5)with stuff. I guess you could say my 3 kiddos make me smile!
Getting a big hug from my little niece & nephew makes me grin from ear to ear....
Watching my pets play always makes me smile. There´s nothing better than watching playful kitties. :)
x Natasha x
Happy mail makes me smile... like my new QT Hooty set, for example. ;)
My boys getting along makes me smile!
Just one thing....I can think of many, but of coarse everyone in my family makes me smile....being a child of God makes me smile...oh I could go one but I will not :) LOL....I think I am a group member of that thing, but then I think I deleted it by accident, I don't know I need your help with it again...none the less I will only leave one comment so I don't cheat :) have a great night.
My 2 year old daughter can speak quite a bit now. She makes a sentence which has 5 words and each word in a different language. English and 4 indian languages! seriously its funny to hear that.
I keep smiling and shes very happy too seeing the smile on my face!
I just have to smile when my little girl giggles. You know the one, it's real and contagious. It usually happens when she is being tickled!
I now I can smile just knowing that I won't miss anything as I just joined the Limelight Group on Paper Craft Planet.
Seeing my family makes me smile! I love them! :)))
getting new stamp items makes me smile :) :)
I get to see my grandkids in 5 days and that really makes me smile!
Just ONE thing??!! Well, when my husband looks at me in a certain way, that totally makes me smile!! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex
my little girl makes me smile everyday!
It was almost like you read my mind when you showed the kids' pictures b/c I was holding one of my best friends' baby while he was sleeping today and that just makes me smile and when he woke up and just smiled up at me...ahhh it just melts your heart.
Ok, here is my second entry - today it would be watching my husband get all excited yelling at the tv and then coming into the dining room to see how my glitter ornament is coming along!!!
Seeing all the wonderful things around us, ie..sunset, sunrises, spring flowers, fall leaves, snow falling, rain etc. Hope you have a wonderful day.
Dee Dee
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