#1 Breakfast Item-
#2 Mousepad-
Ravengirl said...
Here is less than exciting mousepad! http://sweetpeasstory.blogspot.com/2008/10/wcmd-whats-in-your-bag-2.html

Here's mine:

How funny are you? This is one of my all time favs... and it is in my DVD Case in my living room:
Hugs to you! Happy WCMD!
Debbie Yates said...
Did someone say candy??? Here's mine!
#6 Sleeping Family Member-

Mandy I love your idea!! I posted all my pictures in one post since I've been taking them all day but only just downloaded them. This sleeping family member one is my favorite, my DS #1 makes a very funny subject!!
#7 Shoes -

Sorry for the poor picture quality. Here it is.
What a super fun challenge idea!! I sent you an email with my picture of the lonely donut leftover from breakfast this morning :)