Thursday, April 30, 2009

Goodbyes and Hellos!

We are sadly saying goodbye to our beloved design team member Becky Carafa today! This was her last day as a part of our team! As sad as we are to see her go, however, we are glad that we will still be seeing her around! She is serving on a couple of other design teams, and she is still doing AMAZING WORK!

We are also saying goodbye to our Seventh Six Chick for April, Rebekka Reed! Rebekka's GORGEOUS works were such a joy to view, and her inspirations have been a blessing!

Along with those goodbyes, we are saying some HELLO'S! Taking a place on our permanent Six Chicks design team is former guest designer Amy Castellano! We LOVED Amy's creations, friendship, and SPUNK during her term with us, and we are beyond thrilled to welcome her on full-time!!

And for our May Seventh Six Chick, we are pleased to present the wonderful Amy Tsuruta!! Here's a bit about Amy, followed by some of her lovely creations:

Hi! My name is Amy and I'm super excited to be picked as the 7th Six Chick for May!!! I have always enjoyed being creative and but have become more dedicated to it since I started up my blog in 2007. I started off as a clean & simple girl but have had fun "stepping things up" with my designs...I work full-time in the world of finance and have 2 gorgeous kids.


Ann said...

Ohhh, so sad to see Becky go--I love her stuff! Looking forward to seeing what Amy C. will create, though. ;)

And woohoo to Amy Tsuruta!!!! That chickie rocks!!!

Latisha said...

congrats Amy!!

Anonymous said...

Woohoo Amy! Congrats girl!

Elaine said...

HOW utterly fabulous, to see Ms. Amy here!!!! ROCK ON, Girlfriend!!

~amy~ said...

Thanks for the warm welcome :) I'm really looking forward to this month {I can't believe it is May already!!} and working with the most fabulous Limelight Design Team!!!

Becky Carafa said...

Congrats Amy and Amy! Can't wait to see what you make!

Lee said...

A very sad goodbye to Becky and Rebekka......and wishes for more wonderful times ahead!!!

And yet a very warm welcome to Amy and Amy!!! LOL

Does anyone else sense a theme with the names???!!! LOL

Ryann said...

Welcome Amy and Amy!!